2) Mmm, sliders. I don't know what it is about those little guys! My introduction to the concept wasn't the best--one of the VPs at the captioning firm where I worked would buy a sack of White Castle for our potlucks, and by the time we got to them, they were reaching the unpleasant side of cool (not to mention being White Castle)--but I am obsessed with finding them on the menu of various area gastropub-type places.
How apropos that my second thought was a paragraph about sliders when I'm going to talk about my recent dabbling in backsliding on calorie counting. Or at least it felt that way. It was really only one incident--a delicious salty-sweet Chicago Mix of an incident--but combined with the fact that I then didn't do any kind of exercise for two days, I felt completely and utterly disconnected from my well-established way of doing things to get healthier.
I bought the Chicago Mix--for those of you neophytes who have not experienced the glories of Chicago Mix, it is half cheddar popcorn, half caramel popcorn--with the intention of eating one serving. But it had been quite a day Monday, largely due to work stressors and sort-of-half-ignored-Mother's-Day-makes-me-sad stressors and taking-Trumper-to-the-vet-which-wasn't-his-regular-vet-and-having-his-bladder-stabbed-with-a-needle stressors. And the latter two stressors sort of fold in on one another, because Mom was always so good and thoughtful with our various pets, and I am not very good or thoughtful if Trumper is having pee hose problems, and I wish she were here to talk to when the cats get sick, what am I going to do, Plum is 12 now, and I've never had to be in charge when a pet is heading off to the otherworld...
So you see from all that run-on sentence bologna that my solution of eating the entire bag of Chicago Mix, all 900+ calories of it, was the next logical step.
Duse and I have talked about our mutual shared fear that once you do something "bad," you can't come back. Like when you allow a vampire to bite you, and it takes your soul, only instead of a vampire, you're letting a Hardees sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit bite you. Twice. Maybe with some hash browns.
And clearly that's crazy defeatist logic. In my case--can't speak for Duse--I've always been a natural-born quitter. If something exceeds my God-given talents or capactiy, I like to quit, thoroughly and completely. When I was bumped from 1st chair clarinet to VERY LAST CHAIR when I moved from middle school to high school (because I didn't want to march in the GD marching band, which was sacred and holy at RFHS), rather than apply myself and work hard, I quit. Then I sold my clarinet to pay for an AOL bill. Ask Kate sometime about how often I said, "I'm moving back home" during our first two years in Chicago. And I was a mostly grown-ass adult at that point.
But I've tried to get better since then, accept that I will not be the best at some things (when I was getting all wound up about the 5K, Kate said, very deadpan, "You're not going to win, okay?" Which was both such a relief and SO INFURIATING to hear) but that it doesn't mean I shouldn't try them or keep working at them.
I've done pretty well on this whole lifestyle-change, lose-weight-thing overall, but sometimes the most important thing for me isn't to go to the gym or yoga or count my calories. Sometimes the most important thing is to remember the 3+ years of counseling I had after Mom committed suicide. To remember that the things I can control mostly relate to me and working to make me better, whether it's finding a new job or a volunteer opportunity or whatever else, is way more rewarding and far less frustrating than trying to change the past. And sometimes the things I can change about me don't necessarily pan out, but not panning out isn't failure, even if it really, really, really feels and smells like failure, and the only solution to failure is to quit trying and also to eat a bag of Chicago Mix.
And then something about the journey that's super profound goes here. I don't know. Kristen said something to me about the changes that happened after leaving Girl Scouts. Ask her for more details. (WINKIE.)
So I ate that Chicago Mix and didn't go to the gym. Two days later, I ran 3+ miles. My body still remembered how. And more importantly, me and my big juicy brain remembered how.
I haven't had very good pictures of my outfits lately, but I'm awfully proud of this one, where my goal to kinda sorta dress like Joan from Mad Men came together:
Next stop: red hair dye |
That's a really cute dress, and red hair would actually look really good on you!
ReplyDeleteI think everyone has those days when you just need to eat an entire bag of popcorn. Seriously, it happens. I used to have the same kind of attitude, like once I've fallen a little bit off the wagon, I may as well go crazy and fall completely off and give up. But one bag of popcorn or one bad day doesn't mess up all of the hard work you've done. The longer you have all of these good habits in place, the easier it will get to bounce back from a bad day, or a splurge on something really tasty.
Thanks, Anne! I had red/auburn hair from a bottle at some point in my 20s, and I remember loving it, but I'm so lazy about hair maintenance now that I fear what I would look like in six or eight weeks when my roots were coming in, and I am trying to convince myself that Heather Locklear made that look cool back in the "Melrose" days (but it's not cool at all, especially when you're a redhead/dishwater blonde).
DeleteAnd yes, battling that mentality of throwing the towel in has been a big, big part of my success this time around. I really have a black-and-white all-in mentality when it comes to binging or "treating myself" if I'm not careful.
Pshaw, haircolor maintenance is so much easier now than it used to be! And I know a girl in the neighborhood that's been doing my color for years (um, I mean, I'm totally natural!).
DeleteHee hee!
DeleteWhere in Lincoln Square-ish area do you go?
This is a great post. When I'm feeling discouraged with exercising and contemplating quitting, I think about the alternative. So if I'm working my ass off and not seeing any results, what's it going to look like when I'm not working my ass off? Are things going to look any better then? Also this makes me think of Band of Brothers, and I bring it up because I'm rewatching it again. It would be like if Easy Company said to Joey from Friends, "You're right. We suck. We can't run up this GD mountain. We ARE going home." That would never happen. So the answer to backsliding is to say "Suck it, Captain Sobel" even if the backslide lasts a while. Also I love Paul Simon.
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHAHA Lori that "Band of Brothers" analogy is absolutely the best thing I'll probably read today. CURRAHEE!!!
DeleteI was just thinking yesterday, as I felt my front pudge jiggling (or "giggling," as I just typed) when I was running on the treadmill, how I used to be so discouraged by how gross I felt simply walking or sitting. I think it's a vast improvement to only feel slightly gross while 15 minutes into a run.
I love that you (kinda) thought you were going to win the 5K. I remember just being amazed I finished my first one; you are way ahead of me in that kind of goal-setting!
ReplyDeleteAnd what I said was that when you first changed jobs and realized that the new one was not a place that was challenging you as you had hoped, instead of stewing in your juices and complaining about making a mistake, you took the extra mental time/energy and put it toward things outside of work that made you happy. First it was visiting the animal shelter, then volunteering, then aiming for taking your PHP exam, and then LoseIt, losing weight, exercising, and finding fashion.
You're a totally different person with a much different outlook on life than you were when you first left Girl Scouts. And that all started because your new job sucked. So sometimes even sucky things have good endings, is all I am saying.
+1 to your comment (or does Booger not let you do that? Is it only horribly-"improved" Google+?)
DeleteI still miss my Burt Reynolds purse :-( (WINKIE)
Great insight! The easiest thing to do when you haven't exercised in 2 days is to just say fuck it and not exercise for 3 days. It's hard to keep going. Keep up the good work! I think I prefer the Cities mix, half kettle corn, half regular popcorn :)
ReplyDeleteI would give the Cities mix a try, but somehow I doubt it is better than Chicago. It does not have cheese in it.
DeleteLoved your post!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Christina!!!